Speaker Series: Water Penetration in Brick Veneer

1:00pm - 2:00pm


Webinar with Glen-Gery's Leroy Danforth on Water Penetration Resistance. An AIA credited (1 LU/HSW credit) presentation held via Zoom.

About this Event


also emailed out to registrants 2 hours and 10 minutes beforehand

Water Penetration Resistance in Brick Veneer

Water penetration is responsible for many of the problems encountered in masonry walls today. The successful performance of a masonry wall depends on limiting water penetration and controlling any water that does enter the wall system. Water penetration resistance and control in brick veneer is the focus of this presentation. The concept behind the ‘brick veneer drainage wall’ is discussed in detail, as well as, the proper materials to specify in order to maximize a wall's water penetration resistance. Once the ‘concept’ is explained, discussion continues with various wall conditions; including, base flashing, shelf angle conditions, wall openings, and parapets. Discussion includes: Which details work to keep moisture out of the wall--and which do not, which mortar type is best for specific applications, how to keep efflorescence to a minimum, and where flashing and weepholes should be placed to be most effective.

Other questions to be answered included:

  • Workmanship
  • What should be expected from the mason.
  • Airspaces
  • Why is a clean airspace so important and what are the minimum requirements for proper performance?
  • Colorless Coatings
  • When should they be used? Are they always effective?
  • Wall cap details
  • Why are parapets so often a problem?
  • Flashing and weepholes
  • Which types are most effective?
  • Mortar
  • What is the real difference between masonry cement and Portland cement lime mortar?


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