International Speaker Series: Ed Lippmann [New York]

5:30pm - 8:00pm

445 5th Avenue
New York City, NY 10016
United States


About this event

Architecture for a New World

Australia is an old continent with a new culture. In 250 years of white settlement, capital cities have evolved from colonial backwaters to global metropolises. Australia has absorbed influences from its indigenous inhabitants, European forefathers and Asian neighbours. It’s a unique culture connected to many disparate influences. Over 35 years of practice, Ed Lippmann’s work, grounded in twentieth century modernism has sought a continuity of a relevant and appropriate architecture of its time and place. The talk will describe his influences, the ideas behind much of his early work and later larger scale urban projects.


About the Speaker

Ed Lipp­mann grad­u­at­ed with hon­ours from UNSW fol­low­ing a year in Bauhaus Mas­ter Mar­cel Breuer’s office in New York. A the­sis on the sig­nif­i­cance of tech­nol­o­gy in con­tem­po­rary Archi­tec­ture informed his approach to design.

The prac­tice was estab­lished in 1985 and dur­ing the ensu­ing decades, a range of res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial, pub­lic and Indus­tri­al projects were realised. In recent years many of these projects have inter­faced with the pub­lic realm. Lippmann’s con­cern for urban­i­ty, the shape of cities and envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty have giv­en rise to books, pub­li­ca­tions and a radio series which he hosts in Sydney.





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