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Materiality Launch Event

Watch this short highlight video from our launch event of Materiality: Brick in contemporary university architecture. 

Learn more about Materiality and request a copy of the publication here

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The Sustainable Edge of Brick in Modern Architecture

In an era increasingly defined by environmental consciousness, sustainability has become the cornerstone of modern construction practices. Among the myriad of building materials available, brick stands out not just for its historical significance but also for its relevance in contemporary sustainable architecture.

The Composition and Manufacturing of Bricks
Brick, a quintessential building material, is crafted from natural elements such as clay and shale. However, modern innovations like Glen-Gery’s recycled content bricks showcase a commitment to sustainability by repurposing materials. Moreover, advances in manufacturing, including energy-efficient kilns and waste reduction initiatives, are transforming brick production into a more environmentally friendly process.

Environmental Impact
The lifecycle assessment of brick—from extraction to disposal—reveals its relatively low environmental impact compared to alternative materials. With lower CO2 emissions and energy consumption, brick emerges as a favorable choice for eco-conscious builders. Furthermore, its recyclability and reusability contribute to its sustainable profile, minimizing waste and resource depletion.

Energy Efficiency
The thermal mass properties of brick play a crucial role in enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings. By absorbing and retaining heat, brick structures reduce the need for artificial heating and cooling, resulting in decreased energy consumption and cost savings over time.

Durability and Maintenance
Brick structures boast exceptional durability, outlasting many other building materials. With minimal maintenance requirements, brick buildings offer long-term sustainability benefits, both economically and environmentally, as they require fewer resources for upkeep and repair.

Sustainable Design and Construction Practices
Brick's versatility lends itself to a myriad of sustainable design strategies. From passive solar heating to rainwater harvesting systems, brick can be integrated into green building designs to enhance energy efficiency and environmental performance. Its role in achieving LEED certification underscores its suitability for sustainable construction practices.

Challenges and Considerations
While brick is admired for its sustainability, challenges persist, particularly concerning its manufacturing processes. Addressing concerns such as land use and energy consumption requires ongoing innovation and technological advancements within the industry. However, efforts are underway to mitigate these issues and further improve brick's sustainability credentials.

Brick emerges as a strong contender in the realm of sustainable building materials. Its natural composition, efficient manufacturing processes, energy-saving properties, and long-term durability position it as a frontrunner for eco-conscious architectural projects.

As we look to the future of sustainable architecture, brick remains a steadfast ally, offering both timeless aesthetics and enduring environmental benefits. It's time for builders, architects, and homeowners alike to recognize the sustainable edge that brick brings to the table and embrace its potential for a greener tomorrow.

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Brick Shapes

Brick's ability to be shaped into unique architectural forms demonstrates its creative versatility like nothing else. Glen-Gery brick shapes, with their precision, beauty, and durability, can fit even the most innovative design concepts.

Our brick shapes aren't confined to standard templates. For unconventional designs, Glen-Gery's skilled brick craftsmen can create custom shapes, a true test of the brickmaker's craft. This process demands significant expertise and isn't common among manufacturers. Creating custom shapes takes more time than standard production, requiring detailed, contractor-approved plans before work begins. The payoff is remarkable—a one-of-a-kind product, expertly crafted to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your project.

Learn more about our brick shapes here

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Architectural Shapes Collaboration



Introducing Glen-Gery’s inaugural architect collaboration program. Architects, designers and students, can enter for a chance to receive a one-of-a-kind collaboration opportunity with Glen-Gery as an honorary member of their R&D Team. The chosen recipients of the program will have the chance to visit the company’s Mid-Atlantic factory in Pennsylvania where they will work with Glen-Gery to create a unique brick shape of their own design. This customized brick can then serve as the centerpiece for conceptual building project renderings or sketches.


Accepting entries until April 30th, 2024.

Design Vault Podcast with Doug Patt

From rustic homes to contemporary museums, brick is one of the most popular design elements for architects around the world. However, imagination of its use is often limited. This podcast will tell the inspiring stories of historic architects’ use of brick, and with the help of architectural leaders of the present, we’ll share how ideas of the past helped inspire and bring new designs to life. Each episode delivers compelling stories that will help stretch your imagination with brick and fuel your next design.⁠

Listen to Design Vault on Spotify, Apple Podcast, here, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. 

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Custom Engobe


Whether you’re building a new home or planning a special project, you’ll find everything you need at a Brickworks Supply Center.