Design Vault Ep. 11 Surf Avenue with Jay Valgora


jay valgora


Inspired by the industrial architecture in his hometown of Buffalo, from the grain elevators to the steel mills where his father worked, Mr. Valgora pursued his passion for architecture. Receiving degrees from Cornell University, Harvard University GSD, and a Fulbright Fellow to the United Kingdom, he gained valuable experience in firms from Boston to London. Finally arriving in New York City, he honed his experience at classic firms before founding STUDIO V Architecture, a practice dedicated to the reinvention of the city. Mr. Valgora’s work is defined by an extraordinary range of projects and scales, encompassing new construction, adaptive re-use, renovation, and interiors. His designs have been internationally recognized for engaging history, culture and context with innovative contemporary design: creating inspirational public spaces, encouraging diversity, restoring historic artifacts, and bringing new life to the edges and interstices of our city while reconnecting communities.



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